Wednesday 27 March 2013

Red Fox (Experiment in Terror, #2) by Karina Halle

With Book Two of the Experiment in Terror Series, Perry Palomino and Dex Foray trade in the stormy Oregon coast for the unforgiving deserts of New Mexico.

In the for­got­ten town of Red Fox, New Mex­ico, a Navajo cou­ple is tor­tured by things unseen and by motives unknown. Wild ani­mals slink through their house in the dark, a bar­rage of stones pound their roof nightly, and muti­lated sheep car­casses are turn­ing up on their prop­erty. 

Armed with a cam­era and just enough to go on, Perry and Dex travel to the des­o­late locale, hop­ing to film the super­nat­ural occur­rences and add cred­i­bil­ity to their flail­ing web­cast. Only their show has a lot more work­ing against them than just grow­ing pains. Tested by dubi­ous ranch hands, a ghost from Dex’s past, and shapeshift­ing decep­tion, the ama­teur ghost hunters must learn to trust each other in order to fight the most ancient of myths…or die trying.

  • Genre: Paranormal, Horror, Supernatural, Mystery
  • Creatures: shapeshifters 
  • Age: new adult, adult
  • Source: owned ebook 
  • Read from March 09 to 12, 2013

FINAL RATING: ★★★★/★★★★★

Buddy Read with Vilda! Check out her review here

“I hope you never stop feeling alive.”“As long as you’re around,” he said softly, “I’ll be alive.”

Who will you trust?

When everybody hides behind the masks?

When everyone lies or hides something...while danger is everywhere...

Where animals act weird... Where no one is safe...

find out on this journey...and take care!


This was amazing sequel to Darkhouse! It gripped me from the start, didn't let me go, and made me go completely obsessed over EIT and Dex.

For me, this book was scarrier than the first one. And it certainly was more life threatening experience for Dex and Perry as well.Not to mention the sexual tension between them....

“You’re like a ghost magnet. Why do you think I like having you around?”
My mouth dropped momentarily. “Because I’m awesome.”
“Oh, well, that too.”



I love, really love her, even though sometimes you wanna smack her in the head, but i just can't stop loving her! In some scenes though, i wanted to ...well...kill/not kill her.


I want him for my every birthday! He is amazing, funny, interesting and flawed. He is complex, strong, wonderful character. I am glad that i found out more about him, and it was heartbreaking learning the truth ;( And i just want to kiss him now :D


Maximus was an interesting addition to the series, but i think that he will be really difficult character to like. I am sensing some disturbance in the force.... Everyone else from the Red Fox town...were weird, as i suspected, and i really can't say anything without spoiling...The question will they trust?


I freaking loooooooooooooooooooove ittttttttttttttt ♥ I am in love with it. It is amazing, fast page turner, with lots of action and suspense ♥



You can also check out my wonderful co-blogger's review:

Georgia's Review



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