With the Harbour Falls Mystery solved, author Maddy Fitch hopes secrets and lies are behind her. But a cryptic letter from her former best friend would seem to indicate otherwise. Is the man Maddy fell in love with while solving the Harbour Falls Mystery, the gorgeous and rich Adam Ward, keeping a damning and potentially dangerous secret from her? Only the writer of the letter, Ami Hensley, knows for sure. But Maddy is hesitant to confront her, since the last time they saw one another Ami tried to kill her.
But if Maddy wants answers--ones that could potentially save Adam--then she must face her fears and visit her former friend. Unfortunately for Maddy, Ami is currently locked up in the creepiest place in Maine, an old gothic structure that houses the criminally insane, known simply as Willow Point.
Will this new mystery tear Maddy and Adam apart?
Who else is in on Adam's secret?
And will Maddy find the answers before it's too late?
Another heart-stopping page turner from the author of Harbour Falls. Willow Point promises to keep you on the edge of your seat.
- Genre: Contemporary romance, Suspense, Mystery
- Age: Adult
- Source: ARC, courtesy of the author S.R. Grey in exchange for an honest review
- Read from April 20 to 21, 2013
FINAL RATING: ★★★★☆/★★★★★
4.5 Lies, secrets, shit and deceit Stars
Did you
really think Adam would allow you to just happen upon the biggest secret
of his life? Put those fine investigative skills back to work. Trouble
is brewing. Helena knows something. I suspect Adam does, too.
The second book in "The Harbour Falls Mystery" picks up where the first book
left us supposedly with all the cards, face up on the table. But the
truth is still out of our reach, answers are even more vague and
everything is hauntingly calm underneath the cold snow blanket. But what
will be left standing when all the snow melts away? Will the sun
finally light the dark and unearth the secrets buried underneath?
Maddy Fitch finally thinks that all the ghosts rest
peacefully in the past, where they belong. She writes her love story
book instead of the true crime story, she was planning and she actually
lives one. Her relationship with Adam Ward the sexy and arrogant millionaire is stronger and more passionate than ever.
A letter from her almost killer and currently committed in the mental
institution "Willow Point" ex-best friend Amy, will again turn her life
upside down and make doubt the truth she was told. Again she will have
to lie, cheat and keep secrets of her own, not only to find out what
happened but also protect the other half of her heart.
I took his hand and leaned into his shoulder. Didn’t he know I’d go anywhere with him?
I took his hand and leaned into his shoulder. Didn’t he know I’d go anywhere with him?
Continuing in the pace that made my heart pound in the
first book, this story takes the classic Whodunnit formula and runs with
it... I really think the appropriate description is Whodidn'tdoit.
Maddy is narrating the events as they unravel before her eyes. The tone
and setting of the story are almost ominous and add to the suspense and
mystery. There is something sinister lurking and ready to pounce.
And then there are the characters. Staying true to what they came to be. Maddening, infuriating and endearing.
Adam is his usual breathtaking self...
"I want to make the wind roar to show you how much I love you. Melt the snow on the ground to show you the way I burn for you.”
The cold man has finally thawed and he is jealous and possessive and more protective than ever. The time has come to let someone inside his heart and share his burden.
Maddy is also the same curious young woman, who can't stay out of
trouble and is irrevocably in love. Protective of Adam herself, she will
do anything to keep him safe. Even if it means that she will have to
destroy herself in the process...
And in the end, when you can finally say that the air is clear and you
feel free of all the deceit, a new danger more tangible and from the
most unexpected place, will threaten everything our heroes fought so
hard to preserve. And can ultimately cost them their lives.
*ARC courtesy of the author S.R. Grey in exchange for an honest review*
Thank you so much Susie!! But please... please... not next Winter... WE NEED MORE!
Thank you so much Susie!! But please... please... not next Winter... WE NEED MORE!
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